[공시] 어댑터 토큰 (ADP) 락업해제. 어댑터 토큰 락업해제 계획에 따라 총 3개의 지갑에서 어댑터 토큰이 해제됩니다. * 어댑터 세일 토큰 15차 락업해제.
24 Feb 2022, 08:26
[공시] 어댑터 토큰 (ADP) 락업해제
어댑터 토큰 락업해제 계획에 따라 총 3개의 지갑에서 어댑터 토큰이 해제됩니다.
* 어댑터 세일 토큰 15차 락업해제
- 세일 토큰 락업 해제 계획에 따라 19,130,434 ADP가 15차 락업 해제됩니다. 토큰 락업 해제 이력은 아래 세일즈 월렛 링크에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
* 어댑터 운영 토큰 2차 락업해제
- 2021년 11월 25일에서 2022년 2월 25일로 연기된 어댑터 운영 토큰 50,000,000 ADP가 2차 락업 해제됩니다. 이후, 3개월 단위로 25일에 해제됩니다.
* 어댑터 팀&어드바이저 토큰 2차 락업해제
- 팀&어드바이저 토큰 락업 해제 계획에 따라 25,000,000 ADP가 2차 락업 해제됩니다. 이후, 3개월 단위로 25일에 해제됩니다.
* ADP 토큰 해제 내역
- 2020.12.25: 세일 토큰 1차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 1.25: 세일 토큰 2차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 2.25: 세일 토큰 3차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 3.25: 세일 토큰 4차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 4.25: 세일 토큰 5차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 5.25: 세일 토큰 6차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 6.25: 세일 토큰 7차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 7.25: 세일 토큰 8차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 8.25: 세일 토큰 9차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
운영 토큰 1차 해제 (50,000,000 ADP)
- 2021. 9.25: 세일 토큰 10차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 10.25: 세일 토큰 11차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2021. 11.25: 세일 토큰 12차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
팀&어드바이저 토큰 1차 해제 (25,000,000 ADP)
- 2021. 12.25: 세일 토큰 13차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
- 2022. 1.25: 세일 토큰 14차 해제 (19,130,434 ADP)
* 제출된 해제 계획에 의해 매월 25일 19,130,434 ADP가 세일지갑에서 해제하고 있습니다. 다만, 16명의 투자자들의 금액이 모두 다르고, 소수점으로 지급하지 않고 있기에 매월 몇개의 차이가 발생합니다. 추가 7 ADP는 거래 수수료의 일부입니다.
* 어댑터 토큰은 백서에 명시된 바와 같이 2주단위로 진행되는 어댑터 리그의 시즌 결과에 따라 참여자에게 지급됩니다. 어댑터 시즌 참여자에게 지급하기 위한 어댑터 토큰은 주기적으로 생태계 유저 지갑에서 1,923,077 ADP가 락업해제되고 있습니다. 3시즌의 물량인 5,769,231 ADP가 해제되었습니다.
* 어댑터 토큰의 2개 거래소(BCTEX & Gate.io) 상장 이벤트 비용으로 5,009,851 ADP 가 락업 해제되었습니다.
* 어댑터 토큰 4차 소각 이후, 콜드월렛에 2,153,412 ADP가 보관되어 있으며, 4차 소각전보다 114,046 ADP 증가하여 유통량에서 제외됩니다.
쟁글 링크:
Same news in other sources
124 Feb 2022, 08:27
[Disclosure] Adappter Token (ADP) Release
Adappter Token will be released from 3 Wallets according to the Adappter token lockup release plan.
* 15th Release of Adappter Sales Wallet
- 19,130,434 ADP will be released according to the sales token lockup release plan (15th token lockup release). You can check the history of token lockup release at the Sales Wallet link below.
* 2nd Release of Adappter Operation Wallet
- The 2nd release of the Adappter Operation Wallet, which was postponed from Nov 25th, 2021 to Feb 25th, 2022. The 2nd release amount is 50,000,000 ADP, and it will be released every 3 months thereafter.
* 2nd Release of Adappter Team&Advisor Wallet
- 25,000,000 ADP will be released according to the Team&Advisor token lockup release plan (2nd token lockup release). It will be released every 3 months thereafter.
* ADP Release History
- December 12, 2020: 1st Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- January 25, 2021: 2nd Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- February 25, 2021: 3rd Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- March 25, 2021: 4th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- April 25, 2021: 5th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- May 25, 2021: 6th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- June 25, 2021: 7th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- July 25, 2021: 8th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- August 25, 2021: 9th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
1st Operation Token Release (50,000,000 ADP)
- September 25, 2021: 10th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- October 25, 2021: 11th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- November 25, 2021: 12th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
1st Team&Advisor Token Release (25,000,000 ADP)
- December 25, 2021: 13th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- January 25, 2022: 14th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
* The quantity specified in the submitted release plan is 19,130,434 ADP. According to the plan, it is released on the 25th of every month. However, the amount of the 16 investors is all different, and there are some differences every month because they are not paid in decimal places. The additional 7 ADP is part of the transaction fees.
* The Adappter Tokens are paid to participants according to the results of the every season of 2 Weeks, as specified in the Whitepaper. Periodically, 1,923,077 ADPs are unlocked from the Ecosystem-user wallets to be paid to Adappter season participants. 5,769,231 ADP was released for three season payouts.
* 5,009,851 ADP has been released from the Marketing wallet due to the Adappter token's listing event of 2 Exchanges.(BCTEX & Gate.io)
* After the 4th Burn of the Adappter token, 2,153,412 ADP is stored in the cold wallet, and 114,046 ADP is increased from before the 4th Burn, so it is excluded from circulation.
Xangle link:
[Disclosure] Adappter Token (ADP) Release.
[Disclosure] Adappter Token (ADP) Release
Adappter Token will be released from 3 Wallets according to the Adappter token lockup release plan.
* 15th Release of Adappter Sales Wallet
- 19,130,434 ADP will be released according to the sales token lockup release plan (15th token lockup release). You can check the history of token lockup release at the Sales Wallet link below.
* 2nd Release of Adappter Operation Wallet
- The 2nd release of the Adappter Operation Wallet, which was postponed from Nov 25th, 2021 to Feb 25th, 2022. The 2nd release amount is 50,000,000 ADP, and it will be released every 3 months thereafter.
* 2nd Release of Adappter Team&Advisor Wallet
- 25,000,000 ADP will be released according to the Team&Advisor token lockup release plan (2nd token lockup release). It will be released every 3 months thereafter.
* ADP Release History
- December 12, 2020: 1st Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- January 25, 2021: 2nd Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- February 25, 2021: 3rd Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- March 25, 2021: 4th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- April 25, 2021: 5th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- May 25, 2021: 6th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- June 25, 2021: 7th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- July 25, 2021: 8th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- August 25, 2021: 9th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
1st Operation Token Release (50,000,000 ADP)
- September 25, 2021: 10th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- October 25, 2021: 11th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- November 25, 2021: 12th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
1st Team&Advisor Token Release (25,000,000 ADP)
- December 25, 2021: 13th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
- January 25, 2022: 14th Sales Token Release (19,130,434 ADP)
* The quantity specified in the submitted release plan is 19,130,434 ADP. According to the plan, it is released on the 25th of every month. However, the amount of the 16 investors is all different, and there are some differences every month because they are not paid in decimal places. The additional 7 ADP is part of the transaction fees.
* The Adappter Tokens are paid to participants according to the results of the every season of 2 Weeks, as specified in the Whitepaper. Periodically, 1,923,077 ADPs are unlocked from the Ecosystem-user wallets to be paid to Adappter season participants. 5,769,231 ADP was released for three season payouts.
* 5,009,851 ADP has been released from the Marketing wallet due to the Adappter token's listing event of 2 Exchanges.(BCTEX & Gate.io)
* After the 4th Burn of the Adappter token, 2,153,412 ADP is stored in the cold wallet, and 114,046 ADP is increased from before the 4th Burn, so it is excluded from circulation.
Xangle link: https://xangle.io/en/project/ADP/recent-disclosure/6215c4a64ef757ad0af02f40