[공시] KB 국민은행과 협업을 통한 어댑터 페이 (Adappter Pay) 개발 착수.
10 Mar 2022, 03:05
[공시] KB 국민은행과 협업을 통한 어댑터 페이 (Adappter Pay) 개발 착수
어댑터토큰(ADP)의 개발 및 운영사인 주식회사 시니스트가 KB 국민은행과 자체 간편 결제 서비스인 ‘어댑터페이(Adappter Pay)’ 개발에 착수합니다.
시니스트와 KB국민은행은 2022년 2월 24일 고객 중심의 혁신적인 디지털 사업 공동 추진을 위한 업무제휴 협약(MOU)을 체결하였으며, 두 회사는 MOU를 계기로 글로벌 디지털 금융으로 활용할 수 있는 다양한 혁신적인 비즈니스 모델을 발굴하기로 합의하며, 기술력과 고객풀을 기반으로 핀테크, 빅데이터, 간편결제 서비스 등 디지털사업을 공동 추진한다고 밝힌 바 있습니다.
시니스트와 KB국민은행은 ‘어댑터페이’ 개발을 통해 간편결제 서비스 부문 첫 공동 사업을 시작합니다.
어댑터페이는 신용카드 혹은 은행계좌 연동을 통해 간단한 인증만으로도 결제를 할 수 있는 간편결제 서비스입니다.
○ 활용처 : ‘어댑터 생태계’ 내의 모든 사업 영역에서 주요 핀테크 수단으로 활용
○ 로드맵 :
2022년 2분기 - K-POP 팬덤 커뮤니티 플랫폼 앱 ‘포도알(PODOAL)’ 및 '포도알 TV' 결제 수단 적용
2022년 4분기 - Adappter Pay APP 출시 및 블록체인 리워드 플랫폼 ‘어댑터(ADAPPTER)’ 적용
Same news in other sources
210 Mar 2022, 03:10
[Disclosure] Development of '#Adappter Pay' in partnership with #KBKookmin Bank
Sinest and KB Kookmin Bank will start first joint business in the simple payment service sector through the development of Adappter Pay.
[Disclosure] Development of '#Adappter Pay' in partnership with #KBKookmin Bank.
[Disclosure] Development of '#Adappter Pay' in partnership with #KBKookmin Bank
Sinest and KB Kookmin Bank will start first joint business in the simple payment service sector through the development of Adappter Pay.
Xangle: https://t.co/YNXZWeO64p
$ADP https://t.co/OReaidZdXT
10 Mar 2022, 03:05
[Disclosure] Development of 'Adappter Pay' in partnership with KB Kookmin Bank
Sinest Co., Ltd., the developer and operator of Adappter Token (ADP), and KB Kookmin Bank have began the development of 'Adappter Pay', its own simple payment service.
Sinest and KB Kookmin Bank signed an MOU for joint promotion of customer-oriented innovative digital business on February 24, 2022. They agreed to discover a business model and announced that they would jointly promote digital businesses such as fintech, big data, and simple payment services based on technology and customer pool.
Sinest and KB Kookmin Bank will start their first joint project in the simple payment service sector through the development of Adappter Pay.
Adappter Pay is a simple payment service that allows you to make payments with simple authentication through credit card or bank account linkage.
○ Usage : used as a major fintech tool in all business areas within the ‘adapter ecosystem’
○ Roadmap :
Q2, 2022 - Applied payment method of K-POP fandom community platform app ‘PODOAL’ & 'PODOAL TV'
Q4, 2022 - Launch the 'Adappter Pay' APP and applied payment method of blockchain reward platform app ‘ADAPPTER’
[Disclosure] Development of 'Adappter Pay' in partnership with KB Kookmin Bank. Sinest Co. , Ltd.
[Disclosure] Development of 'Adappter Pay' in partnership with KB Kookmin Bank
Sinest Co., Ltd., the developer and operator of Adappter Token (ADP), and KB Kookmin Bank have began the development of 'Adappter Pay', its own simple payment service.
Sinest and KB Kookmin Bank signed an MOU for joint promotion of customer-oriented innovative digital business on February 24, 2022. They agreed to discover a business model and announced that they would jointly promote digital businesses such as fintech, big data, and simple payment services based on technology and customer pool.
Sinest and KB Kookmin Bank will start their first joint project in the simple payment service sector through the development of Adappter Pay.
Adappter Pay is a simple payment service that allows you to make payments with simple authentication through credit card or bank account linkage.
○ Usage : used as a major fintech tool in all business areas within the ‘adapter ecosystem’
○ Roadmap :
Q2, 2022 - Applied payment method of K-POP fandom community platform app ‘PODOAL’ & 'PODOAL TV'
Q4, 2022 - Launch the 'Adappter Pay' APP and applied payment method of blockchain reward platform app ‘ADAPPTER’
Xangle: https://xangle.io/project/ADP/recent-disclosure/6226fe147f30be97906885a8