[공시] 파트너십 체결: KB 국민은행. ○ 파트너 이름:. KB Kookmin Bank. ○ 파트너 웹사이트:. ○ 파트너 소개:.

02 Mar 2022, 03:05
[공시] 파트너십 체결: KB 국민은행 파트너 이름: KB Kookmin Bank 파트너 웹사이트: 파트너 소개: 2001년에 설립된 KB국민은행은 예금, 대출, 지급보증, 투자, 신탁 등의 사업을 영위하고 있는 KB금융그룹의 계열사 은행입니다. KB국민은행은 인터넷 은행을 뛰어넘는 모바일 활성화를 목표로 디지털 서비스를 속속 확대하고 있습니다. 또한, 지난 2월, 한국감정평가사협회와 함께 '디지털 감정평가서'를 은행권 최초로 도입했습니다. 신속한 담보 평가와 대출 심사가 가능하며 블록체인 기술이 적용돼 감정평가서 진위 확인으로 위·변조도 손쉽게 방지할 있습니다. 국민은행이 인터넷은행을 제외한 전통 은행 가운데 가장 디지털 플랫폼 구축에 빠른 것으로 보고 실제 목표 달성을 이룰 것이란 긍정 평가를 받고 있습니다. 파트너 상세정보: KB국민은행은 시니스트가 운영하는 ‘어댑터 생태계’ 내의 다양한 서비스와 연동하여 파생되는 비즈니스 모델을 개발하고, 양사의 비즈니스 활성화를 위해 공동 마케팅을 추진함과 동시에 이용고객에 대한 금융상품 서비스 개발을 진행할 것입니다. - 혁신적인 디지털 비지니스 발굴 추진을 위한 양사간 협업체계 구축 - 양사 공동 비지니스의 활성화를 위한 공동 마케팅 추진 - 공동 비즈니스 이용고객에 대한 우대 정책 활성화 - 공동 비즈니스 추진을 위한 맞춤형 금융상품 · 서비스 개발 Xangle:

Same news in other sources

02 Mar 2022, 03:08
[Disclosure] New partnership: KB Kookmin Bank KB Kookmin Bank will develop a business model derived in conjunction with various services within the Adappter Ecosystem. Xangle:
[Disclosure] New partnership: KB Kookmin Bank.
[Disclosure] New partnership: KB Kookmin Bank KB Kookmin Bank will develop a business model derived in conjunction with various services within the Adappter Ecosystem. Xangle: https://t.co/RBVp5fvq0F
02 Mar 2022, 03:05
[Disclosure] New partnership: KB Kookmin Bank Partner's Name KB Kookmin Bank Counterparty Website Counterparty Details Founded in 2001, Kookmin Bank is an affiliate bank of KB Financial Group that operates businesses such as deposits, loans, payment guarantees, investments, and trusts. KB Kookmin Bank is expanding digital services one after another with the aim of activating mobile apps beyond Internet banks. In addition, in February, the Korea Appraisal Board and the Korea Appraisal Board Association introduced the "digital appraisal report" for the first time in the banking sector. Rapid collateral evaluation and loan screening are possible, and blockchain technology is applied to easily prevent forgery and alteration by verifying the authenticity of the appraisal report. Kookmin Bank is considered the fastest to build a digital platform among traditional banks except Internet banks, and is receiving positive reviews that it will achieve its actual goal. Partnership Details KB Kookmin Bank will develop a business model derived in conjunction with various services within the Adappter Ecosystem operated by Sinest, promote joint marketing to revitalize the two companies' businesses, and develop financial products and services for customers. - Establish a cooperative system between the two companies to discover and promote innovative digital businesses. - Promotion of joint marketing to vitalize joint business. - Activation of preferential policies for joint business customers. - Development of customized financial products and services for joint business promotion. Xangle:
[Disclosure] New partnership: KB Kookmin Bank. ○ Partner's Name. KB Kookmin Bank. ○ Counterparty Website.
[Disclosure] New partnership: KB Kookmin Bank ○ Partner's Name KB Kookmin Bank ○ Counterparty Website https://www.kbstar.com/ ○ Counterparty Details Founded in 2001, Kookmin Bank is an affiliate bank of KB Financial Group that operates businesses such as deposits, loans, payment guarantees, investments, and trusts. KB Kookmin Bank is expanding digital services one after another with the aim of activating mobile apps beyond Internet banks. In addition, in February, the Korea Appraisal Board and the Korea Appraisal Board Association introduced the "digital appraisal report" for the first time in the banking sector. Rapid collateral evaluation and loan screening are possible, and blockchain technology is applied to easily prevent forgery and alteration by verifying the authenticity of the appraisal report. Kookmin Bank is considered the fastest to build a digital platform among traditional banks except Internet banks, and is receiving positive reviews that it will achieve its actual goal. ○ Partnership Details KB Kookmin Bank will develop a business model derived in conjunction with various services within the Adappter Ecosystem operated by Sinest, promote joint marketing to revitalize the two companies' businesses, and develop financial products and services for customers. - Establish a cooperative system between the two companies to discover and promote innovative digital businesses. - Promotion of joint marketing to vitalize joint business. - Activation of preferential policies for joint business customers. - Development of customized financial products and services for joint business promotion. Xangle: https://xangle.io/en/project/ADP/recent-disclosure/621c683adc68dbcf1168945e